I looked up the list of Universal Monster movies and saw this one on there. It's the "immortal" story by Edgar Allen Poe. Immortal was on the title card.
So Pierre and Camille go to the carnival and see a gorilla. Bela Lugosi with a strange unibrow is talking about the evolution of man, and the crowd isn't happy about what he's saying. Pierre is a medical student and a little more open-minded. They approach Erik (the chimp/gorilla). Camille is instantly liked by Erik, but he tries to attack Pierre.
Bela is actually doing experiments to try and fuse Erik's blood with women's. He hasn't had any success so far, but he's not giving up. I want to commend him on his dead-person disposal system. It's very efficient. Anyway, Pierre is doing his own experiments to try and figure out what's killing these women.
Camille wasn't super stupid like most of the women I've seen so far in these movies. The only annoying thing she did was faint. Other than that, she did her best to stay safe. When she's kidnapped, it's infuriating. The policeman talks to everyone except the one man who can probably clear everything up. It's not like time is important or anything.
Okay, so I thought I read this in the past, but now I'm not so sure. I figure I'd remember a gorilla/chimp in Paris. They kept showing the face of a chimp, but the body was huge like a gorilla. We had a lot of fun with this movie for sure. It was pretty funny. I'm totally giving this one a Good Movie! review. I loved it! Beware the unibrow!!!