What's this about?

Lately, it seems like many of the movies/shows are just a rehash or reboot of things that have already been done. And so I started to dive into the past. It's been fun, but I find myself losing track of which ones I’ve seen and whether or not I enjoyed them. Sometimes the titles themselves just don't tell me enough to remember.

I wouldn’t have voluntarily watched a lot of these movies when I was younger. It’s strange how interests change. That goes for what I read, too. I have another blog that explores books. I’m mostly reading older fiction and memoirs, and some of the books have led me to movies/shows and vice versa. In those cases, I may post the book review over here as well.

There will be spoilers, which is different than my book reviews. That’s mostly because I want to have enough information to help me remember what I’ve seen. I’m getting older. The brain doesn’t cooperate like it used to. What can I say? The gray hairs are catching up with me!

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Mummy - 1932

This was the one we'd been waiting to watch - The Mummy! It stars Boris Karloff as Imhotep.

A man mocks a curse and opens a forbidden box at an Egyptian dig. It brings a mummy to life, and the man laughs himself crazy. Ten years later, a shriveled man appears on a dig and points some frustrated diggers in the direction of the grave of an Egyptian princess. After that, a young woman can't resist the pull of her past, and her future is in jeopardy.

I was disappointed. The mummy was only on screen at the beginning of the movie. After that he was a shrively man. The romance was ridiculous. "Hey! I just saw that woman trying to break into the museum after it was closed. I think I'm in love!" What!? 

Anyway, the past couple days were a roller coaster with these movies. Frankenstein was good, but I hated the way the creature was treated. I know, it's the story. That's why I'm saying the movie was good, but I didn't enjoy it. Of all the ones I've seen, I had the most fun with Murders in Rue Morgue. It was interesting, and the woman wasn't dumber than a box of rocks. Erik was amusing as well. Today, we watched The Invisible Man. Mom hadn't seen it, so we had some fun with that.

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