What's this about?

Lately, it seems like many of the movies/shows are just a rehash or reboot of things that have already been done. And so I started to dive into the past. It's been fun, but I find myself losing track of which ones I’ve seen and whether or not I enjoyed them. Sometimes the titles themselves just don't tell me enough to remember.

I wouldn’t have voluntarily watched a lot of these movies when I was younger. It’s strange how interests change. That goes for what I read, too. I have another blog that explores books. I’m mostly reading older fiction and memoirs, and some of the books have led me to movies/shows and vice versa. In those cases, I may post the book review over here as well.

There will be spoilers, which is different than my book reviews. That’s mostly because I want to have enough information to help me remember what I’ve seen. I’m getting older. The brain doesn’t cooperate like it used to. What can I say? The gray hairs are catching up with me!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Mystery of the 13th Guest - 1943

I saw this in the "Leaving Soon!" category on Tubi and decided to give it a watch. It was barely over an hour, and I was ready for a quick mystery.

A young woman comes back to her grandfather's home 13 years after his death to open his will. The rest of the family has had to wait all that time, and they weren't known for liking the old man. While in the house, something happens, and the young woman is found propped up dead in a chair. She's in the same place as 13 years ago.

Later, another murder happens. The lawyer was sitting next to the young woman, so when he's propped up in the chair next to hers, there's little doubt the whole family is threatened.

Okay, so I'm really interested in the novel this was taken from. Armitage Trail (or Maurice Coons) is famous for writing Scarface. This book was written in 1929, and I can't help wondering if the story made more sense in the book. The movie became confusing, and I had questions that went unanswered.

I didn't enjoy the weird romance shoved into the movie. It was unnecessary. Also, I was on board with the bumbling policeman, Speed, at first. But then, they went over the top to make sure I knew the cops were idiots. It was a bit much after a while. I recognized Dick Purcell's name, and he looked familiar. I discovered he was muffin-top Captain America! I'm glad he was in something I enjoyed.

The main thing this movie did was make me interested in the book it's based on. I'd like to track down a copy and see if it makes more sense than the movie. Is more time given to the motive for the murder? I'm so curious! I wouldn't say this was enjoyable, but it raised a curiosity in me.

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