My husband and I settled in to watch this movie. I knew a little bit about it, but he hadn't seen it.
A skyscraper (!) is making sure their safety procedures are adequate so they can be insured. They've hired the small company The Rock runs (because that's what happens), and they give him all access to the digital security measures. The tablet that runs everything is connected to facial recognition, so when the betrayal by his "brother" happens, they just have to shove the tablet in his face and viola!
Screwing with the bad guys' plans are Rock's family. They were supposed to be seeing the pandas, but Timmy (I can't remember his name) ate a "weird candy," and so they're back early. Bad guys set a fire on the floor below the family's, turn off fire suppression and CHAOS!
There were so many crazy things that happened in this movie. It reminded me of San Andreas on the reality scale (meaning there's very little reality). I think the end cracked me up the most. This man, who through the entire movie has worked with little to nothing to solve problems, decides to sit on the floor, rocking back and forth and burn to death. Never mind the dead guys with frickin' parachutes or anything. I guess he ran out of duct tape...
Movie is pretty ridiculous, but it wasn't boring. I'm not going to give it a good review, for the sole purpose that I really didn't care about anyone, and I kept waiting for Timmy to fall into the fire (which he technically should have done a few times). I mean, the weak child (character, not actor) could sometimes barely breathe and other times was fine. Then he had the superhuman ability to hold onto his mom's back as she slowly (I think molasses moves faster) tightroped her way across that bridge and then tripped. I did learn the valuable life lesson of whenever something isn't working, all you have to do is turn it off and turn it back on - works every time!
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