What's this about?

Lately, it seems like many of the movies/shows are just a rehash or reboot of things that have already been done. And so I started to dive into the past. It's been fun, but I find myself losing track of which ones I’ve seen and whether or not I enjoyed them. Sometimes the titles themselves just don't tell me enough to remember.

I wouldn’t have voluntarily watched a lot of these movies when I was younger. It’s strange how interests change. That goes for what I read, too. I have another blog that explores books. I’m mostly reading older fiction and memoirs, and some of the books have led me to movies/shows and vice versa. In those cases, I may post the book review over here as well.

There will be spoilers, which is different than my book reviews. That’s mostly because I want to have enough information to help me remember what I’ve seen. I’m getting older. The brain doesn’t cooperate like it used to. What can I say? The gray hairs are catching up with me!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Lured - 1947

This was on my list to watch again so I could remember what happened in it. It stars a number of familiar faces, including Lucille Ball and Alan Napier.

When Sandra's friend goes missing, it's believed that she's become one of the victims of the "poet killer." Sandra goes to Scotland Yard to offer her help. She wants to find her friend. What she ends up doing is offering to be bait for the killer.

What happens next is she answers a number of personal ads, trying to figure out which gentleman is the killer. A certain man starts to pursue Sandra, and she falls for his charms. At their engagement party, Sandra discovers a photograph of her friend and a bracelet. Her secret of working with the police comes out, and her fiancé is arrested.

The evidence is convincing, and there is a lot of it. Too much for normal sleuths to not be a tad suspicious. I mean, the killer has been extremely careful so far, and now he's a buffoon? I think not. I had it figured out before the party, but that's beside the point (and no, it wasn't because I'd seen it before). I think it took way too long to catch the killer, but the end was dramatic. My favorite character had to be H. R. Barrett, the secret detective that's supposed to keep track of Sandra. George Zucco is mainly known for the villains he plays, but he was charming and loveable in this movie.

Overall, this was a pretty entertaining movie. As long as I didn't think too hard about how strange everyone was acting with a serial killer on the loose, it's good enough for a Good Movie! review.

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