What's this about?

Lately, it seems like many of the movies/shows are just a rehash or reboot of things that have already been done. And so I started to dive into the past. It's been fun, but I find myself losing track of which ones I’ve seen and whether or not I enjoyed them. Sometimes the titles themselves just don't tell me enough to remember.

I wouldn’t have voluntarily watched a lot of these movies when I was younger. It’s strange how interests change. That goes for what I read, too. I have another blog that explores books. I’m mostly reading older fiction and memoirs, and some of the books have led me to movies/shows and vice versa. In those cases, I may post the book review over here as well.

There will be spoilers, which is different than my book reviews. That’s mostly because I want to have enough information to help me remember what I’ve seen. I’m getting older. The brain doesn’t cooperate like it used to. What can I say? The gray hairs are catching up with me!

Friday, March 1, 2024

Born to Be Bad - 1950

So many random selections! In this movie, Christabel comes to town and plays the innocent young woman. She's actually a manipulative, conniving brat who is willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants.

Donna is nice to her and treats her as a friend. Christabel repays that friendship by getting close to Donna's fiancé and "helping" their relationship into breaking up. All this time, Christabel has Nick thinking she loves him, and she does in a way. But when the rich Curtis becomes available, Nick is thrown to the curb since he doesn't have the money.

Christabel believes she still loves Nick, and when he comes back to town, she's back to manipulating. Nick falls for it at first, but then pushes her aside when it becomes clear she hasn't changed at all. When she's caught in the act, her husband drops her, and she drives off into the sunset with her car full of clothes and furs. With a smile on her face.

Blah, I hated her. I know I was supposed to, but the reward wasn't enough. Sure, Curtis finally saw the light (stupid man), but what did Christabel learn? Apparently nothing, and she's just off to do it again somewhere else to some other stupid man. The justice just wasn't there in this one, so blah.

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